JOB maps are persistent maps extending JDK interface Map . They are created by sessions. JOB maps are capable to store instances of all JDK classes implementing Serializable and Java arrays. Furthermore, they are capable to store instances of classes implementing JOB interface JobCapable . This holds true for both, keys and values. Keys have applications semantics. For this reason, JOB maps are used for application identity.

JOB maps are bound to sessions. Methods of JOB maps are executed in the context of transactions. You might encounter exceptions calling JOB map methods due to transaction isolation conflicts.

JOB maps may be created calling method

    JobMap newMap(String name)

on a session instance. Argument name determines the name for the persistent map. This name may be passed to method

    JobContainer getContainer(String name)

in order to retrieve a persistent map.

JOB maps may be used like JDK maps. For example, method put() stores instances and method get() retrieves instances. You can iterate over all entries in a map calling method entrySet().iterator() on the map instance, followed by calls of next() on the iterator instance.